Protect yourself against fraud

Fraud is very prevalent when it comes to financial services so it's important to be aware of all the things you can do to minimise its impact on you. 

Listen to your gut

If something sounds too good to be true or that something doesn't quite seem right, it probably isn't. 

Keep your personal information private

Personal information is personal for a good reason. It's important that you keep this information to yourself at all times by never disclosing it to someone and by properly destroying any documents that could contain this information.

Change your passwords regularly

Passwords need to be as secure as possible by making sure to include multiple words or even a phrase in a password, and making sure to include numbers and special characters to increase the strength of them too. Changing these passwords regularly keeps your information extra secure.

Talking to us

If we call you, we'll ask for security information to check it's you who answered the phone. However, if you're unsure whether it's us, you can call us back on the published number so you feel sure, safe and confident.

UK Finance

It's Your Money

How financial services firms can help if you are the victim of financial abuse. Click the link below to find out more from UK Finance. 

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