Fraud Protection

Fraud accounts for over 40% of all crime. Over an average year, 1 in 17 adults in England and Wales fall victim to fraud, nearly 3 million people. Businesses are not exempt, and 1 in 5 of them were the victim of fraud. Fraud is prevalent and can happen to any of us.

Fraudsters are highly manipulative and can get us to lower our defences if we are not vigilant. Nobody is immune to fraud, but we can all be more aware of the risks and protect ourselves better.


4-ways to fight fraud

Do you know who is contacting you?

Fraudsters will contact people, imitating their bank, other trusted companies, or even a family member or friend. They can be believable if they have managed to get hold of personal information by looking at social media. Earning their victim's trust, they will attempt to convince them to share confidential information, send money or give them access to personal devices.

Always stop to think and check if this person is who they claim to be.

If you are unsure about a call or message:

  • Do not rush into a decision – be certain before sending money, personal details or access to your device.

  • If in doubt, end the call.

  • Fraudsters can mimic phone numbers, so the number on your caller ID is not always proof of who they are.

  • Check that the contact details are correct by contacting the organisation directly.

  • If you get a message from a family member asking you to send money, use known contact details to check if it is a legitimate request.

Do you normally trust offers and click on links?

Fraudsters know we love a bargain, so they offer discounts, pressure a quick decision and reinforce FOMO (fear of missing out) to get people to pay for a fake deal. They urge people to click links in messages that can take them to a fake website where they can steal money and personal details or take control of their device.

If you see a tempting offer:

  • Do not rush into a decision – take time to stop, think and check if the message, offer or advert is genuine.

  • Do not click a link in a message you are not 100% sure of. Go directly to the organisation's website if you are unsure.

  • Stay on trusted websites and use their recommended payment methods.

  • Do not pay by bank transfer or virtual currency.

  • Be 100% sure before you send any money or personal details.

Do you use the same password for all your accounts?

Some people use the same password for all their accounts, like email, bank account and social media, as it's easier to remember. But if a fraudster can access it, they can access all their accounts with just one password.

Make sure to use a different password for each account. If you find it difficult to remember passwords, you can use a password manager or Three Random Words to help you remember them. 

Never choose a password containing personal information such as names, places and numbers, but make sure each password is secure and hard to guess.


Do you use 2-step verification?

Strong passwords for email and bank accounts are one step in keeping secure, but there is always a risk that a fraudster could stumble across them, and nothing can stop them from attempting to steal money and other personal details.

Setting up 2-step verification (2SV) on your most important accounts, such as email and social media, will ask for more information to prove your identity when logging into an online account. It is one of the most effective ways to protect your online accounts from criminals.

For more information, please visit:


It's Your Money

How financial services firms can help if you are the victim of financial abuse. Click the link below to find out more from UK Finance.