Our Reforestation Story

25th October 2023

Paper might grow on trees, but our planet can't grow without them. We're helping Earth's future continue to bloom with Forest Positive printing.

Our Reforestation Journey | Vernon Building Society

As a Society, we're on a mission to reduce our environmental impact. That's why we're excited to announce our partnership with PaperCut Grows' new program, Forest Positive. 30% of trees cut down are used to make paper and with Forest Positive printing, we're helping fight deforestation by planting one tree for every 8000 pages printed. One tree produces 8,333 sheets of paper, but with our new reforestation journey, we plant more trees than we use.

Who is PaperCut?

PaperCut is a print management software that helps organisations track and manage their printing. For more than 20 years, they’ve been an industry leader in reducing waste for 115 million users and counting. They’ve saved 2.3 billion pages and 280,451 trees with their work. In 2022 they moved beyond waste reduction and increased their environmental presence with their Forest Positive sustainability program - PaperCut Grows.

What is Forest Positive?

Forest Positive transforms environmental impact from a decrease to an increase. It helps us take on an active role in replacing the nature we use to make paper. By becoming Forest Positive, we can help ensure that we are helping the environment, and ultimately, our planet.

PaperCut has told us that one mature tree absorbs more than 21 kilograms of carbon dioxide each year. Unfortunately, due to climate change and deforestation, the amount of trees on the planet is getting smaller every day. Of all those trees cut down, 30% are used for paper products. That's why we need to look at how we can improve our environmental impact through our printing.

Our Forest Positive Printing Impact

Thanks to PaperCut and their Forest Positive printing program, since October we have planted 84 trees in 3 locations.

We're really excited to be working with PaperCut Grows Forest Positive. We are proud to be helping restore our environment by replanting the trees we use and can't wait to see the progress of our reforestation story as we continue on this journey.

A Greener Society, Together

Everyone has a part to play in combatting climate change and protecting our planet. It's important that businesses, like ourselves, are held accountable for their environmental impact and sustainability.

We care about our planet, and we care about our local environment too. That's why we're taking steps to improve our sustainability and become a greener society, together.